PreMarital Coaching
Proverbs 15:22 (NIV) Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.
Do you have anyone helping you in your relationship? We encourage you to strongly consider getting premarital coaching from us or anyone else you trust, as you invest in the future. There are many reasons and benefits in getting help during this stage of your relationship.
For one, you'll continue to understand each other more and more. When you involve a coach who can ask helpful questions, both of you will develop a better understanding of your core beliefs, values and expectations.
Another benefit involves understanding each other's roles and responsibilities going into marriage. Sadly, most couples enter a marriage with many unspoken expectations. Infatuation and the honeymoon phase only lasts for a short time. How will you be as a couple beyond those phases? By discussing important aspects of your future marriage, you'll be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to work effectively as a team.
Lasly, by involving a premarital coach, you'll learn different skill sets that will help you be more successful. Skills like communication, conflict resolution, time and financial management are essential for couples to succeed.
The proverbs scripture above is a timeless, spiritual principle. If you want to succeed in any area of life, seek counsel. Surround yourself with many advisors who can help you be your very best. This will be one of the greatest investments you will ever make.
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